In Appreciation
One afternoon Emma, Marit, Maxime, Sofia, Yuli, and Clara, students at the Ballettfachschule Ronecker in Fellbach Germany, came up with an idea to thank us for supporting them in their study of Benesh Movement Notation. Their creative idea was to make pictures out of dried leaves, twigs, flowers, and grass.
Here are the wonderful images they created:
The students wanted to send their creations from Germany to Canada, but due to the foliage used in these masterpieces, they could not be mailed.
Upon learning this, Gisela writes:
“Isabell, our young trainee in dance pedagogy, and Nadine, our specialist teacher for ballet and dance notation, were at a loss. The disappointment was written on everyone’s face. As energetic as ever, Nadine took photos of all the pictures. Then I had a flash of inspiration: ‘Let’s print the pictures on cards!’ No sooner said than done – the mother of one of the girls, knew what to do right away. She knew someone who could produce cards from the images.”
The exquisite cards were printed and the school secretary, Mrs. Conradt, put a copy of each of the cards in envelopes for both of us and took the precious cargo to the local post office.
The cards made it safely to their destinations. The creativity and thoughtfulness of this gift touched our hearts.