Why Learn BMN
Reasons For Learning Benesh Movement Notation
Modified from: Benesh International
Learning BMN allows you:
- to enhance the understanding of movement vocabulary
- to develop observational skills
- to acquire an efficient tool for recording human movement
- to communicate movement accurately and unambiguously
- to read dance syllabi recorded in BMN
- to prepare for rehearsals by learning roles directly from BMN
- to gain access to the library of scores available for educational use
- to use choreographic scores as a resource for academic research
- to use as a tool of analysis in different socio-cultural environments
For Professional Dance Notators BMN allows you:
- to become a valuable part of the artistic team in a dance company
- to work with the renowned choreographers of our time
- to work alongside professional dancers in the studio
- to become a custodian of our dance heritage
- to protect choreographic copyright
- to travel the world taking choreographic works to new audiences